Interview with James Kape
Interview with James Kape, a designer originally from Sydney who has forged a successful career overseas.
Re:collection, Australian Graphic Design
Re:collection is a resource for Australian graphic design produced during the years 1960 – 1990.
Interview with JP Williams
JP Williams is a visionary brand architect with over two decades of breathing life and telling iconic stories.
Now You See It Michael Bierut
An anthology of essays by celebrated designer Michael Bierut, covering pop culture, process, inspiration, mentorship, and the history of design.
Interview with Eddie Opara
Another New York designer interview I did with the very talented Eddie Opara. I spoke to him just before he became a partner at Pentagram back in 2010.
Welcome back to Facing Sideways
Facing Sideways, the original South Australian blog devoted to the profession of Graphic Design and creativity in general, is back.
Interview With Peter Buchanan-Smith
Peter Buchanan-Smith is a designer, author, and entrepreneur. This interview took place circa 2010 around the time he had just established his outdoor lifestyle brand, Best made.
30 things I’ve learned about design (so far)
Putting Facing Sideways back together again has given me a bit of time to reflect on the aspects of being a graphic designer, and some of the experiences that have shaped me over the years.
Interview with Rafael Esquer
Rafael is one of my dearest New York designer friends. We first met in 2006 (and have subsequently caught up on all my visits to NY since then). I recorded one of my first interviews for Facing Sideways with him.
Designing Design: Kenya Hara
Japanese designer Kenya Hara is one of the truly unique voices in the design field, his book Designing Design is a paramount of elegance, simplicity and superb creative force, and also very white.
Two-Dimensional Man: Paul Sahre
New York designer Paul Sahre is one of my biggest design inspirations, so it goes without saying that I was keenly looking forward to the release of his book, Two-Dimensional Man. I wasn’t disappointed.
Art vs Design (my humble opinions)
Can design also be defined as art? Can the two converge or should they be viewed as two completely separate disciplines? More importantly, do I have anything of interest at all to offer to the discussion?
Programs Gone By
Does it seem particularly sad for me to sometimes pine for obsolete design software? I wax lyrical on bygone days, when I cut my teeth on the king of all design programs, Aldus Freehand.
Interview with Michael Bierut
A popular interview I did with Pentagram designer Michael Bierut way back in 2008 on a visit to New York. Michael was very generous with his time and I think it still holds up well today.