Hi, I’m Chris, welcome to Facing Sideways.

My full name is Chris Bowden, I started the original Facing Sideways back in 2007 as a way to discuss graphic design in my hometown of Adelaide, South Australia, and to highlight some of the incredible design talent knocking about in my locale. Along the way it morphed into a platform to express some of my personal views, as well as a place to feature some great interviews I did with some of my favourite national and international design idols.

I was born and have worked all my life in Adelaide, I’ve worked for big and small design agencies as well as a long stint in a big media organisation. I am currently giving freelance life a go!

Though Facing Sideways began in 2007, I took an extended break between 2018 and 2023 while sorting out some personal issues and my interest in design in general.

I’m hoping Facing Sideways will grow organically from just covering the local design scene, into highlighting the people doing great work anywhere. I hope to also discuss some of the issues we face as designers and stuff I have experienced through my years working in the industry.

I hope you enjoy reading it!